Hiking or biking Australia's Bicentennial National Trail (BNT), which follows the Great Dividing Range along the east coast, has always been of interest to me as a possible adventure. In late 2004, I put my toe in the water by riding my new mountain bike from my home on the NSW Central Coast to Melbourne following the BNT as much as realistically possible on a bike.

Sydney to Melbourne BNT by MTB - Day 001 - Copacabana to Kurrajong Heights

Day:  001
Date:  Monday, 8 November 2004
Start:  Copacabana, NSW
Finish:  Kurrajong Heights, NSW
Daily Kilometres:  170
Total Kilometres:  170
  Breakfast:  Muesli
  Lunch:  Fish and chips
  Dinner:  Bread and peanut butter
Animals Seen:

We were woken up early (4:30am) by a phone call from Keith and I decided to stay up and finish the October financials.  Alicia wanted to go to school on the bus and I took her down to the bus stop at 7:30am and this delayed my departure.  Then it began raining and I postponed departure till 9:00am, later than I would have liked.  Barb clearly thought I was crazy and was worried about my safety.  It was still spitting with rain as I left and as soon as I began riding I realised my heels were going to hit the pannier.  I stopped and adjusted them in Copa and then tackled "the hill".  It was OK and I stopped at the top and took off my Goretex.

Progress was steady to Gosford where I decided to go up the Pacific Highway hill instead of tackling Dog Trap Road.  I made it up without stopping and continued to Mangrove Mountain.  It took longer than I expected and I stopped for a snack at 11:30am.  The weather was still very threatening but it hadn't rained again.  I then continued on to Wisemans Ferry which again took longer than expected.  It was, however, a pleasant ride and I enjoyed looking down on the Hawkesbury River where I had been paddling only a week earlier in the Hawkesbury Classic.  I crossed the ferry and found a take-out place in town where I had fish and chips sitting at a table outside.  I wasn't sure whether I could make Kurrajong (and the next shop) by nightfall so had a look in a small supermarket to see whether they had any bread rolls, but they didn't.

I set off along the River Road towards Lower Portland Ferry.  It was a lovely ride with no big hills and lots of views over the river and farms.  After the ferry I began climbing towards the Blue Mountains.  It was steady up to Blaxlands Ridge and then relatively flat along the Ridge to Kurrajong., firstly through bush and then hobby farms.  I got to Kurrajong at 6:30pm and stopped for an ice-cream and some groceries.  I hoped to get past Kurrajong Heights before stopping for the night so that I had the biggest climb behind me.  I began the climb and ended up walking much of the way.  I thought of stopping in a motel if I could find one as it got darker.  I put on my lights and continued on looking for somewhere to pitch my tent, but it was hard because it was now dark.  In the end I stopped in a lay-by right next to the road and set up camp in the dark at 8:30pm.  I had a quick dinner of chips, bread and peanut butter, and chocolate, and was in bed by 10:00pm.

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