Hiking or biking Australia's Bicentennial National Trail (BNT), which follows the Great Dividing Range along the east coast, has always been of interest to me as a possible adventure. In late 2004, I put my toe in the water by riding my new mountain bike from my home on the NSW Central Coast to Melbourne following the BNT as much as realistically possible on a bike.

Sydney to Melbourne BNT by MTB - Day 002 - Kurrajong Heights to Jenolan Caves

Day:  002
Date:  Tuesday, 9 November 2004
Start:  Kurrajong Heights
Finish:  Jenolan Caves
Daily Kilometres:  120
Total Kilometres:  290
Accommodation:  Jenolan Caves House
  Breakfast:  Chocolate and gorp
  Lunch:  Pies
  Dinner:  3-course meal
Animals Seen:

I had a disturbed night, firstly because it began to rain and secondly because it sounded like every car and truck on the road was coming straight through my tent.  At least the tent kept me dry.  It was still raining in the morning and I packed up by 7:00am in the lea of a tourist information sign.  I continued west along the Bell's Line of Road in the rain and fog although I enjoyed the rainforest-like scenery.  The road gradually became more undulating and I crossed Mt Tomah at about 1100m.  I stopped in a picnic area with shelter shortly after for a snack and when I checked the map and guide-books realised it would be easier and shorter to connect with the Bicentennial National Trail (BNT) at Jenolan Caves.  I also though I might be able to get accommodation there and dry out.

The road got hiller as I neared the descent into Lithgow and then I decided to take the road to Mt Victoria following the signs to Jenolan Caves.  In Mt Victoria I did some shopping and then went to a deli for an early lunch.  It was run by a middle-aged gay couple who thought Jenolan Caves was too far and that I should go home.  During lunch I called Barb and asked her to find Jenolan Caves on the internet so I could call about accommodation.  It was a fruaght series of calls but I eventually got the number and called Jenolan Caves and booked a room.  It was still 64km to go, but only 1:00pm, so I should make it easy.

It was still raining and foggy as I set off down the big hill from Mt Victoria.  I was hoping the ride would be easy, but after Cox's River it seemed to be going slow and I was tired.  I stopped at Hampton Hotel for a snack and then continued on into an alpine-like environment with moors, conifers and fog and rain.  At the top of one hill I discovered I was crossing the Great Divide at 1250m so I had climbed even higher than I had been in the Blue Mountains.  No wonder I was tired.

The final 8km was downhill to Jenolan Caves in steady rain.  The road closed at 4:00pm for roadworks but I just went around the barrier and got down OK.  I checked in to Caves House and unpacked everything to dry out by the heater.  The three-course dinner took forever to be served, which was annoying.  The rain stopped after dinner and I hoped for a drier day tomorrow.  Went to bed at 10:30pm.

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