Hiking or biking Australia's Bicentennial National Trail (BNT), which follows the Great Dividing Range along the east coast, has always been of interest to me as a possible adventure. In late 2004, I put my toe in the water by riding my new mountain bike from my home on the NSW Central Coast to Melbourne following the BNT as much as realistically possible on a bike.

Sydney to Melbourne BNT by MTB - Day 005 - Canberra to Adaminaby

Day:  005
Date:  Friday, 12 November 2004
Start:  Canberra
Finish:  Adaminaby
Daily Kilometres:  115
Total Kilometres:  695
Accommodation:  Motel room
  Breakfast:  Rice bubbles and crumpets
  Lunch:  Bread and peanut butter
  Dinner:  Quiche
Animals Seen:  Tortoise, kangaroos, swooping magpies

I got up at 6:45am, packed and organised my own breakfast and ate with Chris and Jocey.  Chris left for work at about 7:45am and I left about 8:20am.  Initially I made good time on good roads heading south out of Canberra against the peak hour traffic.  I reached Tharwa soon after 9:00am but didn't see a store there so didn't have the snack and Coke I had planned (a fatal error?).

From Tharwa the road climbed in fits and starts through rural grazing land surrounded by high rocky mountains.  I stopped for a break at the top of one of the long hills and relaxed in the sun and cool wind surveying the view.  I was sweating a lot going up the hills and the flies were bad.  I swallowed a few!  I kept on and laboured or walked up many hills, often followed by downhills, losing most of the altitude gained, which was abit frustrating.

I stopped for lunch at a trailhead after walking up a very long hill.  It was a pleasant spot and I was tempted to lie down for a sleep.  On resuming, the road changed to gravel and continued relentlessly upwards.  I walked some and rode some and went through my water very quickly.  I reached Shannons Flat/Hut, an abandoned summer cattlemans hut set in a beautiful alpine meadow and stopped for a break.  I seemed to be near the pass and the road was undulating and scenic before crossing the ACT/NSW border from where the gravel road immediately deteriorated into corrugations and minor washouts.  This meant I couldn't go downhill fast and got shaken a lot but the bike held together.  The gears are sticking a bit, probably because of the dust.  I had used all of my water and was getting dehydrated.

The bad road combined with a strong headwind made the last 20km hard going and I was very pleased when I reached Adaminaby.  I stopped at the motel on the outskirts of town and got a $50 room from a very nice guy.  He told me to get dinner at the Bowling Club, which I did later.  It was the social hub on Friday night.  I went to bed thinking about the 3,000 bikers supposed to be on the road tomorrow, the forecast snow showers, and the tough trip to Khancoban.  I booked a motel there and also my train back to Sydney from Melbourne.

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