Hiking or biking Australia's Bicentennial National Trail (BNT), which follows the Great Dividing Range along the east coast, has always been of interest to me as a possible adventure. In late 2004, I put my toe in the water by riding my new mountain bike from my home on the NSW Central Coast to Melbourne following the BNT as much as realistically possible on a bike.

Sydney to Melbourne BNT by MTB - Day 008 - Mount Hope Track to Omeo

Day:  008
Date:  Monday, 15 November 2004
Start:  Mount Hope Track
Finish:  Omeo
Daily Kilometres:  91
Total Kilometres:  974
Accommodation:  Motel room
  Breakfast:  Muesli
  Lunch:  Hamburger
  Dinner:  Chicken Kiev
Animals Seen:  Hare

I got up at 6:00am after a reasonable night's sleep.  It was cold with some wind but partly sunny.  I packed up and left at about 7:20am, walking up the first long hill.  I felt positive about getting to Omeo for lunch and maybe getting back on schedule.  Past the first hill I began riding and managed to ride up most remaining hills for the day.  I was keen to cover ground and rode as much as I could.  After an hour I reached Grassy Knob Track junction which meant I was about 10km short of where I thought I was last night.  A bit demoralising.

I continued on making reasonable time but then, when I expected to start descending, found myself steadily ascending most of the time.  I kept pedalling but was getting very tired, although the alpine views were great.  Eventually the long descent came, but it was rocky and often corrugated and I had to steer very carefully.  I passed a hiker and shortly after got a puncture in my rear tyre.  I couldn't find hole in the tube so changed the tube, successfully, although, all up, it cost me about 45 minutes.  I continued on with the quality of the road steadily improving but still plenty of uphills.  Getting closer to Benambra I realised I was getting very tired, probably the result of the last two or three very physically tough days.  I decided to have lunch in Benambra and think about stopping early in Omeo to allow some recovery.

Benambra was smaller than I anticipated but there was a general store/cafe and I had a burger for lunch.  It took a long time to prepare and I didn't leave until 2:00pm for the 22km ride to Omeo.  It was getting quite warm riding across the open pastureland and then I encountered yet another large hill (I was hoping it was going to be all downhill to Omeo).  At the top were great views to Omeo and then a fantastic long and fast descent followed by a few short sharp hills to Omeo.  I found a nice motel in the main street and did some shopping before having a counter tea at a nearby hotel.

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